How to Create an Issue (Mobile)
Creating an issue is quick and easy, Step 1; just click the green “+” button and select how you would like to initiate the issue to start the creation process. There are 4 options to choose from; “Fill Details”,”Take a Picture”, “Capture a Video” or “Record an Audio Note”
Once you have made you selection, the selected “create an issue” window will open. If you selected “Fill Details” Enter the information about the issue by completing steps 1 – 6 then click save. The mandatory information is the issue type and a tittle, everything else is optional.
Creating an issue is quick and easy, from the “Fill Details” option simply fill out the boxes in the issues creation form, the only mandatory fields are the Issue Type and Tittle, everything else can be added at later. In the video below we walk you through all the steps in the process. The only difference with the other initiation options is you wil take the picture or capture the video or audio note before completing the details of the issue.